Observable Behaviors Linked To Vision Problems
Do you or your child have any of the symptoms below?
Signs of Eye Teaming, Focusing,
and Tracking Problems
Double vision
Words moving on the page
Blurred vision
Short attention span
Poor reading comprehension
Lose place often when reading
Cover or close one eye when reading
Tired eyes at the end of the day
Hold things very close
Must use finger or guide to keep place
Skip lines and words often
Poor/inconsistent in sports
Avoid sports/games
Poor eye-hand coordination
Rub eyes
Signs of Visual
Processing Disorders
Trouble learning left from right
Reverse letters and numbers
Mistake words with similar beginnings
Cannot recognize a repeated word
Trouble learning basic math concepts of size and magnitude
Poor reading comprehension
Poor recall of visual material
Trouble with spelling and recognizing words
Sloppy writing skills or excessive erasing
Trouble copying from the board
Can respond orally but not in writing
Seem to know material but does poorly on written tests
Any of the above signs or symptoms could be an indication of a hidden vision problem t hat might hinder academic performance, participation in sports, and comfortable near work.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you or your child might benefit from a visual efficiency evaluation and/or a visual processing evaluation.
To schedule an evaluation with Dr. Trieu, please visit our contact page.